Does God Exist? 
1999 Summer Seminar

Seminar information

To register:  In order to have enough materials available, we must know that you are coming. Please fill out the registration form enclosed and return it to us.  Thank-you

Instructions: Print this form on your printer.  Fill out as appropriate.  Send the completed form to:   John Clayton, 1555 Echo Valley Dr., Niles, MI  49120


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______


Address: _________________________________________

City/St/Zip: _______________________________________   Phone: ____ - ____ - _______

Do any of those registered have medical problems or dietary restrictions we should know about?  If so, please explain.

Will you need a babysitter during the daylight hours? If yes, give names and ages of the children.

Do you need a list of motels or campgrounds?  If so, please check which you need:

___ Motels ___  Campgrounds

What is your primary role in the church? (please check those choices that apply)
___ Preacher ___  Elder ___  Deacon
___  Personal worker ___  Teacher ___  Prison ministry
___  Family ministry ___  Care ministry ___  Interest member
___  Not a member of the church        

Does God Exist?