The Sound of God's Glory
by Sarah Evelyn Lord, Howell, Michigan
The Sound of God's creation is
the wind blowing through
cherry blossoms,
and the humming of honey
bees in the
pink, blue, orange, and
yellow wildflowers.
The rustling grass sings
a secret song that
God the ruler of all
wrote just for them.
The delicate splashes of
in the cherry blossoms
and wildflowers
are expertly stroked by
the Lord's paint brush.
As I stand and look at
the wonders He made,
I know that man can only
his beautifully-made
The beautiful voice of
the babbling brook drifts
through the sheltering
trees along its banks.
Standing ankle deep in
the cool, refreshing water,
I watch golden sunbeams
through the
rain-splashed green leaves.
The world is His gift,
and He placed us here
to take care of it.
And that is what I will
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