Most mammals cannot breathe well enough to survive at elevations of 20,000 feet or more. Birds are able to breathe because they have a complex respiratory system that provides a continuous flow of oxygen through their lungs. They do not depend on a diaphragm pushing air in and out of their lungs. That means that the birds can survive in thinner air longer, even when exerting themselves heavily as they do in flight. The layering of feathers that birds have is so efficient as an insulator that the cold temperatures of the high elevations is no issue for them.
Once again we have an example of how God has created creatures to do
incredible things in ways that benefit them and allow them to survive
in places we would not think possible. It is as if we are still trying
to answer all the questions that God asked Job in Job 39:26 "Does the
hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread his wings toward the south?"
The answer is clearly "no--it is a wisdom far beyond that of man."
Data from Discover, November 2005, page 88.
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