Last year we canceled our Canyonlands trip, and we received a
significant amount of mail from readers who were

unhappy about that cancellation and indicated
that they wanted to go but had not made a commitment to do so.
Our problem is that we have an investment in the cost of the
trip and we even lose some personal money in doing the trip. We
have no resources to underwrite the costs for others. To try to
eliminate that problem in 2012, we are going to ask anyone who
would be interested in participating in the Canyonlands trip to
pre-register. You do not have to pay anything now, but if you
are reasonably sure you want to go, we would like to know that
so we have some indication of whether there is enough interest.
The Canyonlands field trip, July 23 – 27, 2012,
is for Christians and involves lectures on the bus and field
examination of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon,
Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Lake Powell, Sunset Crater and
the Painted Desert. We travel by air conditioned, chartered bus
and stay in good motels. The cost this year will be $889 per

person for two in a room. This
covers all bus costs, entry fees, motel bills, breakfasts, and
materials. No money is paid to your host or guides.
Transportation to Flagstaff, noon and evening meals, gratuities,
souvenirs, and housing for Sunday and Friday nights are not
If you want to go on this trip, please e-mail us at or mail us a note. Whether we do the trip this
year will depend on the interest that is expressed.
Pictures on this page
© Roland Earnst
1972 we have had a book titled
The Source: Eternal Design or Infinite Accident?
The book has been reprinted with updated information and a
different format, but its basic theme has been scientific
support for the existence of God. In 2001 we released a
college-level edition of the book that was published by Howard
Publishing, and we still have that edition available. We have
re-written that edition on a high-school reader’s level and the
new version will be available about the first week of December
from us at our cost of $8.00 postpaid or through our
website with a credit card for $7.95 plus postage. It can also
be borrowed like any of our materials by contacting us. To order
send a check or money order for $8.00 to
Does God Exist? PO Box 2704,
South Bend, IN 46680-2704.
AND EVOLUTION. As we enter another election year, we
find politicians trying to capture groups of voters by taking
positions on issues. Rick Perry was asked in New Hampshire, “Why
don’t you believe in science.” He then was led to take a
position on evolution in which he stated evolution was a theory
“with some gaps in it.” Jon Huntsman, another Republican
candidate stated, “To be clear I believe in evolution and trust
scientists on global warming.” Only eight percent of Republicans
polled said they believed in evolution without any other
intervention. The point that needs to be made here is that
questions about science and religion need to be answered with
clear definitions and with the candidate explaining what they
mean, not just making superficial statements to get votes.
Source: 8/25/11.
REALLY SYPHILIS? Dr. Lynn Margulis is a widely
recognized scholar in the area of symbiotic factors in the
history of life on earth. In
magazine (April 20, 2011, page 66) there is a fascinating
interview in which Dr. Margulis makes some interesting points
about the incompleteness of Darwinism. One controversial point
she makes in the interview is that there is no proof that HIV
causes AIDS. She also observes that penicillin does not kill
syphilis. What causes syphilis is the spirochete (a
corkscrew-shaped bacterium) that lives in a relationship with
the genome of the person. AIDS is very much the same kind of
infection, and both syphilis and AIDS exist in a relationship
with the body so you never really are cured of either disease.
All of this points out why not following God’s plan for sexual
conduct is so dangerous.
living together who are not married continues to climb. Glenn T.
Stanton has written a book titled
The Ring Makes All the Difference in which he
presents scientific data on people who cohabit and what the
results of that lifestyle is. Some of the conclusions of the
scientific studies are: (1) People in cohabiting relationships
are relationally and emotionally more manipulative than those
who are married. (2) Couples who cohabit have less sex and
less-fulfilling sex over the long term than those who are
married. (3) Children in homes where their mother is cohabiting
are three to four times more likely to see violence, have less
money spent on them, and experience more drug and alcohol abuse
and more infidelity than children in married households.
that humans originated in the Tigris-Euphrates-Pison rivers area
of what is now Iraq. Traditionally evolutionists have maintained
man originated in Africa. A west Asian site called Dmanisi is
revealing specimens of
erectus much older than those found in Africa. Harvard
anthropologist Philip Rightmire says “It certainly looks as
though the African origin of
erectus, must be reconsidered.” It will be interesting
to see if further studies vindicate the biblical record on this
point. Source:
Science News,
July 2, 2011, page 8.
TRAVEL. A research team in Hong Kong led by Dr. Du
Shengwang has shown that photons (the basic units of light)
cannot go faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per
second). That means that the information carried by a photon can
only exist in the present so an effect cannot come before its
cause. Science fiction fans will have to go back to the drawing
boards to come up with a way to go back into the past to change
the present. We would suggest this is a design feature God has
built into the creation, so man has to live responsibly because
he gets no chance to go back and undo his past mistakes. Source:
The Week, August 12,
2011, page 21.
PLAGUES. One of the questions asked us frequently is
why God commanded Israel to destroy and burn whole cities of
their enemies — killing and burning even the animals in the
cities. Our response has always been that the diseases and
plagues that these people had contracted by not following God’s
laws left no choice, but to sterilize the area. In
Discover magazine (October
2011, page 80) is a reference to the fact that the 1666 Great
Fire of London destroyed 80 percent of the city and ended the
bubonic plague that had killed some 65,000 people in the
previous year. The fire killed the rats and fleas that carried
Yersinia pestis, the plague
causing bacterium.
million species of life that have been identified by scientists
on this planet, but research shows that many more exist.
Biologists now say that there are 7.8 million species of
animals, 611,000 species of fungi and 300,000 species of plants
that have not been identified. Most of the animals that have not
been found yet are very small. Recently a previously unknown,
half-inch long Caribbean gecko was found in the Dominican
Republic. The biblical word “kind” (Hebrew miyn in
Genesis 1:11, 12 — Greek
phusis in
James 3:7) is a very broad word and
not the same as “species.” In 1 Corinthians 15:39 Paul
identifies four kinds of animals and the same grouping is given
in Genesis. “Species” is a scientific term, and centers around
the ability of offspring to be able to reproduce. Some of these
newly discovered species may bring new drugs as exotic animals
and plants frequently do. These forms may also provide new
foods, and materials to mankind. The details of God’s creative
wisdom and the methods He has employed to provide for man’s
needs continue to astound those who research the wonderful
planet on which we live. Source:
The Chronicle-Journal of Thunder Bay, Ontario,
8/24/11, and AP science writer Seth Borenstein.
member of a Mormon group that espouses polygamy (one man/many
wives). Brown is married to five women and has 16 children. He
is suing the state of Utah claiming their anti-polygamy laws
violate his rights. The suit claims “consenting polygamists
deserve the same right to privacy as gay people.” The Browns are
not accused of hurting their children or coercing minors. The
suit says they “just want the right to create a loving family
according to the values of their faith.” We would suggest this
is a very predictable result of the gay marriage issue. Still to
come are group marriages, marriages to animals, etc. How welfare
laws, medical insurance laws, divorce laws, and tort laws
function in all of this will keep a lot of lawyers in business.
God’s definition of marriage is the one proven system that needs
to be used as stated in
2:24 and by Christ. Other civil unions cannot be called
marriage without creating a host of problems.
The Week,
August 5, 2011, page 16.
editor of
Archaeology Review, and is known for his controversial
views on many subjects. In the July/August 2011 issue (page 6)
Shanks takes on his fellow archaeologists by claiming that there
is heavy prejudice against the Bible in professional
archaeology. The particular archeology dig which has
precipitated this is work by Eilat Mazar of Hebrew University
who has used the Bible to decide where to excavate King David’s
palace. Attacks on Mazar’s work have been extensive — which is
normal in archaeology. The main critic is Ronny Reich of Haifa
University who is a biblical minimalist maintaining that the
Bible cannot be trusted. Shanks points out, correctly, that this
attitude taints all of archaeology and is unfortunate. Hopefully
he can get a more objective treatment of archaeological
RETURN. For the past several years there has been an
attempt to suggest that Neanderthal man was a different species
than modern man. New genetic analysis has shown that some of the
human X chromosomes have been found in a piece of Neanderthal
DNA called a haplotype. Dr. Nick Patterson of MIT says “There is
little doubt that this haplotype is present because of mating
with our ancestors and the Neanderthals.” The report which is on says that “Neanderthals possessed a gene for
language and had sophisticated music, art, and tool
craftsmanship skills.” We have suggested for many years that
racial differences are confused with speciation by the general
public, and two races can look very different and yet still be
one species. We are truly “one blood” as
Acts 17:26 maintains. Source:
Bishop named James Ussher published a book titled
Annals of the World. The
1,600-page book has now been reprinted in English (960 pages in
this edition) and is being used by many homeschoolers. The book
claims to be the history of the world from the Garden of Eden to
the fall of Jerusalem. Ussher put the date of creation as
October 23, 4004 BC, making the Earth 6,015 years old this past
October. The date of October 23 was arrived at by guessing that
the Jews started their calendar at harvest time. Ussher then
took the first Sunday after the fall equinox which at that time
was in October (today it is September 21.) About 15 percent of
Ussher’s research is from the Bible, with the rest coming from
secular sources. We have pointed out many times that Ussher
makes huge assumptions in his calculations of dates, and many of
these biblical assumptions can be shown to be incorrect. We have
a list of some of these assumptions on our
website in the booklet
God’s Revelation in His Rocks
and His Word.
MULTIVERSE DISCUSSION. Many atheists explain the
apparent fine-tuning of the universe by claiming that there are
many parallel universes that have existed outside of time, and
that we are in one that has all the properties necessary for
life. In the August 2011 issue of
Scientific American (page 38) there is an
excellent article explaining multiverse theory. Two interesting
statements in the article point out why this proposal is not an
answer to the creation. The author states, “The trouble is that
no possible astronomical observations can ever see those other
universes. The arguments are indirect at best. And even if the
multiverse exists, it leaves the deep mysteries of nature
unexplained” (page 39). “Scientists proposed the multiverse as a
way of resolving deep issues about the nature of existence, but
the proposal leaves the ultimate issues unresolved. All the same
issues that arise in relation to the universe arise again in
relation to the multiverse. If the multiverse exists, did it
come into existence through necessity, chance, or purpose? That
is a metaphysical question that no physical theory can answer
for either the universe or the multiverse” (page 43). We suggest
that those answers can be found in Genesis 1 and the biblical
concept of God and what God is.