One of the positive suggestions of the “Intelligent Design” movement has been the idea that if God designed the world for human habitation, he would have built into it a large number of devices to assist humans living on the planet. There is no place where it is more obvious that this has been done than in the medical applications of things found in the sea. The sea provides an almost unlimited supply of cures for the things that ail us.
The Bahama sponge makes discodermolide, an affective immunosupressive agent that prevents tissue rejection after organ transplants. The moss animal contains Bryostatin B, a cancer fighting compound. The sea squirt produces Didemnin B that arrests cancers including leukemia, melanoma, and a variety of other cancers in the ovary, breast, and kidney. The dogfish shark produces squalamine which is a potent antibiotic. The gray encrusting sponge produces manoalide which stops the inflammation and pain of everything from bee stings to arthritis. Red algae produces carrageenans used to treat peptic ulcers. The horseshoe crab has blue blood which is used to detect a variety of bacterial conditions.
Not only do we have chemicals that are found in sea creatures, but in some cases animals are designed to fight certain conditions common to animals and humans. The sea squirt has been found to have a way to avoid kidney stones. Sea squirts get crystals of calcium oxalate in their kidneys and they have bacteria in their renal sack that metabolizes the crystal concretions so that they stay in solution. This bacteria is 20 times more powerful at inhibiting kidney stone formation than what is found in humans and may ultimately solve this painful human condition.
You can assume that somehow there is an evolutionary connection that allows such uses to come about, even though the link between a sea squirt and a human seems to be rather distant. Perhaps you can assume that there is an Intelligence that designed the entire system to allow us to manage the earth to provide for mankind’s needs. We would suggest the latter. Source: Popular Science, May 1995, page 62.
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© Tim. Image from BigStockPhoto.com