“Prayer gives us strength to bear cares and anxieties, to hope when
there is no logical motive for hope, to remain steadfast in the midst
of catastrophes.”
“The words of Jesus penetrate deeply into the reality of life. They
ignore philosophy; they break all conventions; they are so astonishing
that, even to this day, we find them hard to understand.”
“Nevertheless, Jesus knows our world. Wherever we are at any moment of
day or night, Jesus is at our disposition. We can reach Him simply by
turning toward Him our desire and our love. It is an easily observable
fact that, even in a society created by science and technology, this
need of God has persisted.”
“For modern man, the only rule of conduct is his own good pleasure.
Everyone is enclosed in his own egoism like a crab in its shell, and
again like the crab, seeks to devour his neighbor.” “Our civilization
has, in truth, forgotten that it is born of the blood of Christ; it has
also forgotten God.” “Unfortunately, most modern men are incapable of
acting for the love of their neighbors, of their country, or of God,
for the only thing they love is themselves.” “But [our civilization]
still understands the beauty of the Gospel narratives and of the Sermon
on the Mount. It is still moved by those words of pity and love which
bring peace, and sometimes even joy, to the broken, the afflicted, the
sick and the dying.” “I want to be like smoke in the wind at God’s
(Additional quotes are in our Jan/Feb
2010 issue.)
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Does God Exist?, MarApr11.