Constitution of
by LaVern Vivio
www.constitutionoffaith.com, 2010, 39 pages,
$5.00 (paperback), no ISBN
LaVern Vivio is well known in the Nashville, Tennessee,
area as a creative, intelligent voice for God and for the credibility
of the Christian system. She shares the concern of many people that the
United States Constitution is being twisted and distorted to be an
atheist document. Vivio’s contention is that God’s blessings on the
United States has been at least in part enjoyed because of a desire of
the founding fathers to be united in an allegiance to God. With that is
mind she has written an apologetic for the Christian system in the form
of the constitution.
This booklet is divided into a Preamble and four Articles and an
Amendment on grace. The four Articles are The Creator, The Fall, The
Savior, and The Church. Each of those four areas are supported by
quotes from others who have explored the evidence in these subject
areas including Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Bruce Shelley, Bodie and
Brock Thoene, Penn Jillett, and John Clayton. The booklet is 4 - by -12
inches so it is not a typical booklet in appearance or form. It is a
one shot apologetic, and would be useful in a variety of evangelistic
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Does God Exist?, MarApr11.