A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design
by Kerby Anderson. Harvest House Publishers, ©2008,141 pages, $10.99 (paperback), ISBN-13: 978-0-7369-2291-3
Probe Ministries has been around for quite a while, and has published a lot of materials. Kerby Anderson is the director of Probe, and hosts a nationally syndicated radio talk show called “Point of View.” Anderson writes well and is informed about the issues. He is not a scientist, but quotes extensively from people who are scientists and who have written materials themselves. The book contains massive references to the works of Jonathan Wells, Michael Behe, William Dembinski, and other believers as well as the works of famous atheists like Richard Dawkins and Michael Ruse. If a person wants to understand the issues without having to read all the books and arguments that are out there, this is an excellent book.
Anderson’s approach avoids taking a position and getting labeled. He deals with young earth creationism (YEC) by explaining in two pages what YEC advocates believe. He points out some strengths and weaknesses and then goes on to progressive creation and theistic evolution. The treatment is very brief and thus quite superficial. The approach made to intelligent design and evolution contains more discussion and lots of quotes from people on both sides, but it is still a very basic and understandable treatment.
The book is divided into ten chapters. The first four chapters deal with the history of the conflict. Darwin’s work, evolution, and various attacks on evolution are explained. The next five chapters deal with intelligent design and how it has been promoted and criticized. The last chapter deals with origins and various Christian approaches to origins. Each chapter is organized into subjects by questions. For example, in chapter eight titled “Is Intelligent Design Science?” there are four questions asked: “Is intelligent design science?” “Is origin science different from empirical science?” “Is intelligent design falsifiable?” and “Is intelligent design religion?” These are answered from a believer’s viewpoint, with numerous quotes of experts on both sides, but favoring the believer’s view.
This is a good book for young believers. It would be very useful with bright junior high and high school students. It would not be very useful with a scientist or a well-educated atheist, because of its brevity and incompleteness. It will be useful in many apologetics classes in churches and Christian schools.