What is also interesting is that
there are some incredible design features built into man to accommodate
erect posture. The equipment designed to eliminate waste is one of
these. Another one reported on in Nature
(www.nature.com/nature) is the design of a woman to accommodate
pregnancy. You would think that a very pregnant woman would lose her
balance and topple over with the ever growing weight up front in her
body. Why she does not is an interesting engineering design.
One of the lower lumbar vertebra in women is wedged shaped while in
males it is square. The key hip joint in a woman is 14 percent larger
than in a man in proportion to body size. Harvard researcher Katherine
Whitcome has been studying these differences and comments "It's
absolutely beautiful. A little bit of tinkering can have a profound
effect." There is a lot of tinkering in the creation, and everywhere
researchers look they see that a wonder-working hand has gone before.
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