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One of the earmarks of Christianity is the level of involvement it calls for. When someone asked Jesus Christ what is the greatest commandment, He replied, “Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind” (emphasis added).
This is actually a quote from Deuteronomy 6:5 and is unpopular in our world today. Our culture expects Christian minimalism and has coined labels to denigrate Christian involvement in life.
So-called “Christian nationalism” is called evil and destructive. Christian involvement in the military has been suppressed based on it being too exclusive. Issues such as gender transformation, abortion, and gay lifestyle choices are promoted and held in esteem in America today. The government shuts down any attempt by Christians to point out the consequences of these choices. The media and politicians apply words such as “extreme” to anyone who is identified as having Christian values.

It is essential to point out that no one following the teachings of Christ would advocate for Christianity being part of any political persuasion. Jesus made a clear declaration that his followers would “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's” (Matthew 22:21). In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, Jesus tells his followers to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, and to go the second mile. Christians might not agree with someone else's choice, but Jesus forbids any physical action against that individual.
What bothers those who attack Christianity is the level of commitment that it promotes. One of the great parables that Jesus taught tells of a man going on a business trip who gives three servants things to take care of while he is gone. One gets five units, one two units, and the other one unit “according to their ability.” When the man returns, the one given five units and the one given two units receive the same praise because they have used what they were given. The man with one unit receives condemnation because he buried what the master loaned to him and did not use it (see Matthew 25:14-30).

Instead of Christian minimalism, committed Christians will give 100% to promote the teachings of Christ. This upsets the media and some politicians, who then try to destroy Christianity, and that is happening in America. At the same time, some call themselves “Christian” but want to be minimal in their involvement. They ask questions like: “Do I have to attend?” “How much do I have to give?” “What is the minimum I can do?”
We do not ask, “What is the minimum I must do to have a good marriage?” Neither do we ask, “What is the least I can do to be a good parent, a good soldier, a good teacher, etc?” Why is our culture so opposed to those who act on 100% constructive action? The answer is that skeptics want us to practice Christian minimalism because they feel threatened when Christians live out their faith 100%.
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© lukpedclub/
© Oleg Golovnev/
© Body Stock/
Scripture links/references are from Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website.