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We are pleased to announce that our Beyond Reasonable Doubt correspondence course is now available. This 13-lesson course is based on John Cooper's video course with the same title available on DVDs and for free viewing on our website. John Cooper and John Clayton worked together to prepare these printed lessons and a question worksheet.
The Does God Exist? ministry offers eleven correspondence courses. Two of the courses deal with apologetics evidence for God’s existence, and the other nine are Bible studies. Those nine courses range from beginner level to advanced study, and Linda Glover of our Does God Exist? team manages them. Linda has several graders who work with students in those nine courses, and like all of our courses, they are free and postage-paid. Several of the courses are for specific needs. One called Prisoner of Hope is a general Bible study for incarcerated men and women. A course titled Freedom Steps is written for those who are concerned about substance abuse and is based on the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The new Beyond Reasonable Doubt course does not deal with the existence of God but with evidence that Jesus Christ is a historical figure and was the Son of God. It also offers evidence that the Bible is the Word of God and is accurate in its historical content. John Cooper has degrees in archaeology and provides the content for the course, and John Clayton has written the lessons and questions from an educational standpoint. He will also be grading the lessons of those who enroll in the course.
This course can be used in a class setting, but we cannot supply it free of charge for that use. To take the course one lesson at a time, e-mail John Clayton at We will send the first lesson and a postage-paid envelope to mail the answer sheet back free of charge. We will return the graded answer sheet along with the next lesson. This ministry has been involved in prison work since 1968, and over 5,000 prisoners have taken our courses. We welcome anyone who would like to study this material.