Return to 3rd Quarter 2023 articles.
Plough Quarterly
Plough Publishing, 120 pages, 4 Volumes per year for $36.00
Subscription Services, PO Box 8542, Big Sandy, TX 75755

This quarterly is published by an Anabaptist group known as the Bruderhof Communities. They promote what they call “radical discipleship in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount,” attempting to follow what they believe was the practice of the first-century church in Acts 2 and 4. They renounce private property and share everything in common while “seeking to live a life of nonviolence, justice, and service to others.” The Bruderhof Communities operate 29 settlements in the U.S., England, Germany, Australia, Paraguay, South Korea, and Austria.
This quarterly contains essays, poetry, and discussions of Bible teachings. We have found each volume to be very thoughtful and helpful in dealing with the issues in today's world. For example, the Spring 2023 issue of Plough had an excellent article on Canada's embracing of euthanasia. It also contained several biblical discussions of pain and suffering, one of which is by Rick Warren. The issue also included discussions of the ecological problems we face in our age of climate change.
This is a very challenging publication with scholarly approaches to the issues of our day. Although you may not agree with everything in it, it is a helpful resource for understanding those issues.