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There is a massive amount of evidence available for the existence of God. One of the clearest evidences is the creation itself – the cosmos. By that, we mean outer space and everything that is in it. Carl Sagan was fond of saying, “The cosmos is all there is or ever was or ever will be.” With the discoveries science has made since Sagan's death, it has become increasingly apparent that Sagan's statement is not true. We know that there is much in the cosmos that is secondary to the cosmos and that the creation itself was prefaced by a whole history of changes in things we cannot see.
Our modern understanding of the cosmos is that everything is made of waves. That means that even mass has the properties of waves — frequency, wavelength, and energy, related by simple equations. Energy is equal to the frequency of vibration times a value known as Plank's constant. We can also relate energy to wavelength by the fact that frequency times wavelength is equal to velocity.

When dealing with creation, that velocity is the speed of light, so energy equals Plank's constant times the speed of light divided by the wavelength. Since energy equals mass times the speed of light squared (from Einstein), it will also be equal to Plank's constant divided by the speed of light times the wavelength. The wavelength of matter is simply so long that it cannot be detected.

So what is the point of all that? It is just elementary algebra based on the now proven fact that everything is made up of waves. All scientific observations confirm that there was a beginning to everything we see and experience. This beginning was initiated by total energy. Frederick Hoyle called this the “big bang.” That term stuck because no scientists would deny that massive energy produced quanta, which are bunches of energy that have a frequency. Light has a frequency, and as it moves, it has a finite speed and a wavelength determined by its energy.
To have energy, there must be frequency since Planck's equation is E=hf. (The letter h represents Planck's constant, and f is frequency.) Frequency is cycles per second, so time would come into existence as soon as energy produced frequency. Time did not exist before the release of energy. In science, there is now a consensus that the energy came from another dimension, and time itself is fourth-dimensional, not a three-dimensional physical quantity.
The evidence for all of this has produced countless scientific papers and several Nobel prizes. Even the work that showed that radiation is still coming to us through the cosmos resulted in a Nobel Prize awarded to Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1978. They discovered that cosmic microwave background radiation from the original “big bang” is universally distributed throughout space. For a very long time, scientists have known that the cosmos is expanding from a single point of origin. We cannot observe the "big bang" now, but since space and time came into existence simultaneously, we can see the entire expanse of space and time.

All of this evidence leads to another question. What is the source of the energy? If the cause of the creation was outside of space and time, one of the choices is that a mindless undirected cause did the creating based on chance.
We have only discussed the creation of mass so far. An equally interesting factor is the creation of electric charge. Most of us have heard the term “quark” in physics class. There are six kinds of quarks, and quarks combine to make up hadrons, with protons and neutrons being the most familiar. Quarks make up electric charge, and they are made of point particles called preons that do not have any size at all.
Realize that all of what we have described was designed to produce physical matter, which is the starting point of what Dr. Sagan saw and described. What we see in our telescopes and microscopes has been produced by things we cannot see and that do not take up any space and that reveal themselves through waves.
The last question in this cosmological understanding is the nature of the cause. On the surface, it might seem that there are two choices:
- The cause was blind mechanistic chance with no intelligence, no purpose, and no source.
- The cause was an intelligence that built our cosmos by design and, for a reason, carefully integrated the elements into a physical cosmos.
You cannot just throw a bunch of energy out there and expect the result to be physical matter. The nature of physical matter is such that it tends to become disordered with time. The measure of this disorder is called entropy, and it can be calculated. If energy were simply thrown out there, entropy would take over, and the cosmos would not exist.
Entropy confirms that the creation began at a precise point, but the order built into matter demonstrates design and intelligence.

We see design everywhere we look in the creation. We see it not only in astronomical examples but even within the substrates of matter. Life is the most fantastic example of design. The countless examples of life's unique capacity to fit into virtually any physical system on Earth demonstrate its design. A scientist said that “The creation must have known we were coming,”
Our modern understanding and observations have confirmed the validity of the simple statement, “In the beginning, God created the shamayim and the Earth.” In your King James Bible, shamayim is translated as “heaven.” The more general meaning of that word is the cosmos. The physical creation screams that God is its creator.
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© ValleraTo. Image from Big
© udaix. Image from Big
© Collage from top to bottom: © Sotnikov_Mikhail; © Artush; © Davdeka; © everest comunity; © nature78; © fotosebek; © byrdyak; © Beth B.; © TruePhotography. Images from Big
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