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“In God there is Power, which is the source of all, also Knowledge, whose content is the variety of ideas, and finally Will, which make changes or products according to the principle of the best.”
God is absolutely perfect, for perfection is nothing but the amount of positive reality, in the strict sense, leaving out of account the limits or bounds in things which are limited. And where there are no bounds, that is to say in God, perfection is absolutely infinite.”
“It follows also that created beings derive their perfections from the influence of God, but that their imperfections come from their own nature, which is incapable of being without limits. For it is in this that they differ from God.”
God alone is the primary unity or original simple substance of which all created or derivative Monads (individual entities) are products and have their birth, so to speak, through continual fulgurations of Divinity from moment to moment, … .”
Source: The Monadology, a book written in 1714 as a central philosophical work.
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Drawing: © marzolino. Image from