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God Answers Science!
by Gary W. Driver, Self Published, © 2018,
231 pages, $18.99 (paperback), ISBN-13: 9780985278359

Gary Driver is billed as “a masterful Bible teacher of over 30 years,” and his title is “Bishop.” The book does not give further information about his training or academic credentials. However, you cannot read this book and not be impressed with his knowledge of both science and the Bible. Driver deals with all of the areas of current science, including Higgs field, general relativity, dark matter, dark energy, the accelerating universe, flat universe, and plate tectonics. He maintains that science is God's witness as Creator and that the Bible is the divine word of God.
Chapter 2 deals with modern scientific discoveries and the concept of creation by God. The treatment is very academic, challenging, and informed. If you have had a course in modern physics, you will find this to be a unique treatment that has strong intellectual information.
Driver maintains that the Bible references all scientific discoveries in a way that would not confuse the people of ancient times, but would be an eye-opener to people living in the twenty-first century. An example is Isaiah 50:3, where Isaiah writes, “I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering.” Driver points out the Hebrew word sackcloth is translated from the Hebrew śaq, meaning mesh sack and parallels it with a fish being clothed with scales. In this case, he points out that space, like clothing, contours to that which it covers.
Driver suggests there was a time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 and supports that with passages like Isaiah 45:12, which refers to God stretching out the heavens. He makes physical applications of passages like Job 38:19 using the Hebrew words to back up his understanding. He brings the days of Genesis together with the geologic time scale with each geologic era paralleled with each biblical day.
There is a great deal of useful data in Driver's rejection of modern atheistic theories connected to evolution. There is also a wealth of discussion of the key Hebrew words in the Bible, with great use of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Psalms, and Proverbs. Many of these passages would be contested by theologians as not having any scientific value, but Driver's discussion is interesting, and his facts are accurate.
Bible fundamentalists will not like this book. Those of us who find science and the Bible to be mutually supportive of one another will find it very useful.
Scripture links/references are from Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website.