What Your Preacher or Bible Teacher
NEVER Told You
by Tony Duncan, Self Published, © 2015,
230 pages, $25.00 (hardcover), $14.99 (Kindle), ISBN-13: 978-0-692-41190-2

This is a very unusual book of Bible trivia. The author has drawn on his over 30 years of teaching the Bible to bring out 200 facts or references that are not commonly known. The book is divided into five sections with references to what is in the Pentateuch, in the books of history, in the books of poetry, in prophecy books, and in books of the New Testament. The book does not have an index so personal reading and note taking are the main methods by which a person would use it in any classroom sense.
Examples of each of the sections would be the following:
- How much interest was a Jew to charge another Jew? Answer: none in Exodus 22:25; Deuteronomy 23:19.
- Where do we read of mice made out of gold? Answer: 1 Samuel 6:11.
- Who besides Jesus was quoted as saying, “Eli Eli lama sabachthani”? Answer: David in Psalm 22:1.
- Where in the Bible does it say that God does not willingly afflict man? Answer: Lamentations 3:31 – 33.
- Where in the Bible do we read that stars differ in their brightness? Answer: 1 Corinthians 15:41.
As these references show, there are facts that will be useful to Bible teachers and to people writing articles or answering questions. It is also a great book to use as a gift or for the coffee table.
Order from whatyourpreachertd@gmail.com, 931-729-3837, or Amazon.com