Several years ago we published a children's book titled Frogs and Toads: God's Bug Snatchers. You can read all of our children's books at In frogs and toads we find an amazing amount of diversity which enables them to survive in unique ways. Sometimes these characteristics are special for the environment in which the animal is located, and sometimes it is just an interesting design feature with no apparent dependence on the environment but just an expression of creativity. Here are some examples which seem to support the statement that we can know there is a God through the things he has made (Romans 1:20).
- There is a desert frog that can go seven years without water by surrounding itself in a type of transparent bag that becomes its first meal when the rains do come.
- The wax frog retains moisture in dry weather by producing wax and coating its skin with it.
- Asian tree frogs build nests in trees over water so that when the tadpoles hatch they drop directly into the water.
- In the Seychelles there is a male frog that carries its young on its back until they become adults.
- The eggs of the marsupial frog are laid in a brood pouch in the mother’s back and the young hatch out in a zipper-like fashion from the pouch.
- Some frogs can jump up to 20 times their body length in a single leap.
- A frog’s skin reflects the same amount of ultraviolet light as its immediate surroundings. This protects them from animals that use U.V. to hunt their prey, including some snakes.
The male Darwin’s frog takes its mate’s eggs into its mouth as soon as they show signs of life. The eggs stay there until they emerge as froglets.
- The bright colors of poisonous tropical frogs warn predators with color vision that they are poisonous.
- The grey tree frog can survive the cold even though its heart stops. It does this by making its own antifreeze which stops the body from freezing completely.
Source: Irish Peatland Conservation Council
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