Why People Don’t Believe
by Paul Chamberlain
Baker Books, 2011, 172 pages, $14.99 (paperback), ISBN-13:
If you have ever wanted a book that
specifically counters and refutes modern atheist attacks on belief
in God, this is the book for you. It is not a general apologetics
book, but rather responds point by point to the attacks on faith by
Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. Chamberlain begins by presenting the
views and attacks of Dawkins and Harris. The seven challenges he
discusses are: (1) religion breeds violence, (2) religion is
irrational and lacks evidence for its claims; (3) religion is
anti-scientific; (4) biblical morality is appalling and promotes
violence; (5) religious teaching of an afterlife is scandalous and
dangerous; (6) religion engenders intolerance and exclusivity; (7)
religion leads believers to impose religious teachings on others.
Chamberlain answers each of these challenges in a convincing and
clear way, drawing on scholarship, history, logic, and historical
evidence. After refuting the arguments of Harris and Dawkins the
book talks about “living the way Jesus calls us to live.” It has a
great chapter titled “Christianity’s Gifts to the World,” which
discusses the good things Christianity has brought to this planet.
This is an outstanding book. It is well written, brief, to the
point, and easy to understand. We recommend it highly.
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