Canyonlands 2007 Tour

We are sorry to announce that our
Does God Exist? Canyonlands
Tour, August 20-24, 2007, is full and has a waiting list.
This is a program
designed to allow participants to see firsthand the evidence for the
validity of the Genesis account seen in the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon,
Zion National Park, Petrified Forest, Lowell Observatory, Meteor
Crater, and Lake Powell.
This is an educational trip with the teachers
being Alan Doty, Dave Strong, and John Clayton.
No previous science
background is required, and participants can do as little or as much
hiking and climbing as they wish. Every year some of our participants
are of limited mobility.
The cost for participants is $611 per person
(2/room--price varies with 1, 3, or 4/room). This covers all materials,
fees, bus transportation, breakfasts, lunches, and motels. Participants
must get to and from Flagstaff, Arizona, and pay for their own evening
For registration, information and
prices: Contact John Clayton at 1555 Echo Valley Dr.,
Niles, MI 49120, or PO Box 2704, South Bend, IN 46680. Telephone:
269-687-9426. FAX: 269-687-9431. Or b
e-mail at
To read about
previous trips read these links, America's
Canyonlands Tell of God's Handiwork and The Demise of Pluto.
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Does God Exist?, JanFeb07.