Abraham Lincoln: Often a Failure
Editor's Note: We received this article anonymously from a person who said, "My mother gave me this when I was in high school and failed at something." It is a good example of how faith in God can give a person the ability to go on and try when there seems to be no reason to try.
Too often, it seems to me, people lose their courage in facing life because of past failures or fear that they may fail in the future. One good way to cure such fears is to remember the story of a man who actually built a life of accomplishments out of defeats.
The following litany of failures, followed by victories that punctuated his life throughout 30 years, is a living and eloquent example of successful use of defeat in achieving victory. Abraham Lincoln's record is as follows:
Lincoln's deep conviction that God had given him a
commission to
fulfill accounted in no small way for his deep humility and ability to
push on in the face of difficulties and failures that would have
discouraged most people. His abiding faith was well summed up in this
comment, which he made after becoming President: "God selects His own
instruments, and sometimes they are queer ones; for instance, He chose
me to steer the ship through a great crisis."
Yes, you too, in God's providence, can be an instrument in bringing His love, truth, and peace to a world in urgent need of it. And with Abraham Lincoln, you can learn to say: "With God's help I shall not fail."
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