Does God Exist? Suffers Another Loss
Gerry was part of our team for 30 years. She leaves a son Scott and a husband Ed. Gerry and Ed had moved to Powell, Wyoming, five years ago to get closer to the mountains she loved. They continued to work with us, and they worked hard for the Lord with the Powell Church of Christ. Many years ago when we were working together on a book for kids titled "Climbing Higher," trying to help them deal with death and dying, Gerry and I were struggling with how to address the subject to kids. She made a statement which is a part of that book. It radiates her hope and positive feelings about God and His closeness to her. I feel it is a tribute to her quiet, Christian spirit.
"Giving up a loved one is very, very difficult. We know we can't have that one with us any more here on earth. But if we believe death is a passageway from this life to eternal life, it helps. We know that in heaven there will be no more 'good-byes.' God always gives us someone to love us and care for us. Someone will come along and care enough to cheer us up and make the empty place in the heart not so empty. Death is part of living. God planned death just as He planned life. It can be a stepping stone to climbing higher. Nothing that happens can keep you down unless you let it."
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