The Does God Exist? program has several video series available. They include the following:
Our Does God Exist? series has 32 video programs which are similar to John Clayton's live lectures. The subjects cover what John does in his public lectures and they run about one half hour each. You can go to our catalog to view the titles of the series, and via that page you can click on the titles and watch the programs online free of charge. This series was released in early 2013. These are studio recordings produced in High Definition. There is a
teacher's guide in the form of a set of questions for class discussion, which is available with the purchase of the set or can be downloaded free from our site. You are welcome to copy any of our materials as long as the copies are not sold. The set can be purchased through our catalog or can be purchased with a credit/debit card from our sister website,, which produces and maintains to video site.
The Does God Exist? program has a shorter series of programs, our International Series, which are similar to the set mentioned above. This set is different in that it is intended for use in studies where English is not the language of the student or audience. When this set was produced in 2002, gaps were placed between phrases spoken by John Clayton. This allows the translated phrase to be spoken by the facilitator of the presentation. A list of languages that are available are in our catalog. We have a closed-captioned (subtitled) version in Spanish.
Children's Programs — Our next series of videos help children to understand the Creation. God Made It All Perfect is a program of four discs/20 programs that John Clayton and Jean Wiebe produced to help children understand how there is design and thus a Designer in the various aspects of the Creation.
Another children's video program is Grandpa John's Science Lab. John Clayton teaches elementary children several different science lessons from a Christian perspective. This series is more science oriented than the God Made It All Perfect series, which makes it ideal to supplement the studies of children who are homeschooled. John presents demonstrations that will help the student understand the concepts presented. A teacher's guide is included that can help the homeschool teacher present these same demonstrations.

We have two other series which help us to understand the evidences that are before us. John Clayton has directed on a regular basis several types of seminars, which are either in a classroom setting or in a natural setting. One of these seminars has been trips to the Canyonlands area on the Arizon/Utah border. The video, Canyonlands and the Biblical Record, helps us understand how the biblical record correlates with the formation of these landforms, fossils, dinosaurs, and other things consider to be prehistoric in nature.
The second series, Archeology and the Bible, was produced by Dr. Harvey Porter sometime ago. Dr. Porter over a six-hour period gives us support from archeology for the inspiration of the Bible and the integrity of the biblical record.
Please look in our catalog for further information on these video series.